Paper Pulp Chest Agitator

The agitator is a special stirring device, the main function of which is to keep the pulp in suspension so that the pulp is fully mixed. At the same time, the agitator can also adjust the stirring angle according to the different pulp concentrations. For pulp mills, the use of agitators not only ensures the pulp quality but also improves production efficiency.

The agitator is made of high-quality materials and has the characteristics of wear resistance and corrosion resistance. During use, the agitator will not have equipment failures or material leakage, ensuring the safety of the production environment. In addition, the agitator adopts program-controlled automatic operation, and it can be operated only according to the set parameters during the production process.

Leizhan company has been researching and upgrading its equipment to meet the market demand. Our company’s pulp and paper equipment is not only high-performance but also energy-saving.

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