Guangdong Pulping Machine Delivery Site

Leizhan company can provide the best production plan according to the actual situation and needs of the paper mill. Due to development, a paper mill in Guangdong needed to expand its pulping production scale, so they contacted our company’s professionals to equip it with the corresponding pulping machines. Our company kept its promise and delivered the pulping machines on time.

More Details about Guangdong Pulping Machine Delivery Site

Delivery time: January 23, 2024
Ordered pulping machine: Bale Open Conveyor, Middle Consistency Pressure Screen, Cleaner, Refiner, Agitator
Delivery machine: Bale Open Conveyor, Middle Consistency Pressure Screen, Cleaner, Refiner, Agitator and supporting accessories

Leizhan company specializes in the research and manufacture of pulp and paper equipment. Our company’s equipment has been developed with superb technology to maximize production value.

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