Paper Plant Low Density Cleaner

The low density cleaner is mainly based on the difference between centrifugal force and gravity to separate heavy impurities from fibers in pulp. When the pulp enters the low density cleaner, it is injected into the container at a high speed in a tangential direction through a specific pulp inlet. Inside the container, the pulp forms a strong vortex, which generates a huge centrifugal force to separate heavy impurities.

The design of the low density cleaner is very sophisticated. The inner wall of the main body usually adopts a spiral cone design to optimize the formation of the vortex and the separation effect of impurities. In addition, the low density cleaner is also equipped with a slag discharge port and a water injection port to ensure the effective discharge of impurities and the smooth operation of the equipment.

Leizhan company has been committed to updating and upgrading paper mill equipment in line with the trend of the mainstream market. Our company’s equipment is not only economical and efficient but also meets green environmental protection requirements.

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