• Henan Xinmi, CHINA

Packaging Paper Production Plant Using SiteLeizhan company signed a contract with an old customer for packaging paper production plant equipment. Our company can provide packaging paper production plant equipment with various outputs to achieve customer satisfaction.

Packaging Paper Production Plant Using Site

Leizhan company signed a contract with an old customer for packaging paper production plant equipment. Our company can provide packaging paper production plant equipment with various outputs to achieve customer satisfaction.

Zhengzhou Kraft Paper Pulping Project Machine

The kraft paper pulping project machine ordered by a Zhengzhou paper mill from Leizhan company has been successfully delivered and put into use. Zhengzhou paper mill is very satisfied with our company's equipment after using it.

Nigeria Paper Pulp Production Line

The paper pulp production line equipment ordered by the Nigerian paper mill from Leizhan company has been successfully installed and started production. Leizhan's equipment is of high quality and has high production capacity.

Drum Pulper for Paper Production Line in Zhengzhou

A paper mill in Zhengzhou contacted Leizhan company to sign a contract for a drum pulper. The drum pulper has been installed after accelerated production, and the Zhengzhou paper mill has begun to use the drum pulper.